gold Dutch Guilders - Queen Wilhelmina
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The Netherlands 10 guilder gold coin (Elder Queen Wilhelmina)Minted 1925 - 1933
Fineness: .900
Actual Gold Content: .1947 troy ounce
Fineness: .900
Actual Gold Content: .1947 troy ounce
Queen Wilhelmina ascended the throne at a young age after the parliament passed a special law allowing a woman to become monarch. She first displayed an incisive intelligence during a meeting with the powerful Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany prior to World War I. Wilhelm boasted to the young Wilhelmina that "my guards are seven feel tall and yours are only shoulder high to them." To this she replied politely: "Quite true, Your Majesty, your guards are seven feet tall, but when we open our dikes, the water is ten feet deep!" Later, Wilhelmina would display this same acumen in the world of business and finance. She amassed a fortune through various business dealings and investments that surpassed a billion dollars, making her the first female billionaire in history. She moved throughout her life in the highest circles of international finance. Known for her spunk, she called Adolf Hitler "the archenemy of mankind" after being forced to leave Holland for England during the German invasion. In 1953, when the country was devastated by floods, she bicycled the countryside at 73 years of age offering hope and inspiration to the Dutch people. Her rule lasted a remarkable fifty-eight years. This series of Dutch gold coins remains a popular addition to collections in both the United States and Europe. The "Long Hair" surfaces in bulk quantities only rarely, but when it does, the grade is often uncirculated. The other two varieties are more common with many in an excellent state of preservation |