28 Nisan 2011 Perşembe

Liberty Twenty Dollar Gold Coin Values

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Liberty Twenty Dollar Gold Coin Values

Liberty twenty dollar gold coin values have risen above $1,513. That is the minimum value of this classic US gold coin.
Liberty Twenty Dollar Gold Coin
High gold content and the current high value of the precious metal keep these coins at this lofty level.
Additionally, other factors often push Liberty twenty dollar gold coin values much higher. The first are rare dates and mint marks.
An example, is the 1891-CC, a very rare coin today. Only 5,000 twenty dollar gold pieces minted at the Carson City mint in 1891 and few have survived, find one and it is worth at least $5800. The value chart highlights these rare dates. Also there is a "mintmark" image below to help locate the marks used by the different mints.
Equally important is the condition of your coin. The twenty dollar gold piece, is a large heavy coin, easily bumped and bruised. Collectors and dealers look for a coin with the least amount of abrasions and pay a premium for coins in better condition.
The coin pictured is an "Uncirculated", lustrous coin, and because of its condition worth over $1,591. Judging the condition of your coin, known as "Grading" is covered in more detail below.