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Antik Objeler
c. 1000 - 800 BC. A group of three (3) fine bronze daggers, 9 ¼”, 9 ¼” and 8 ½” in length. The heavy blades all have strong mineral encrustation. Nice examples. $300

225. Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. a small duck-billed bronze axe head. L: 3.5", H: 1.75". This shape, scarce this nice! Very attractive mottled deep green patina. Rare! Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-2106. $700

226. Iran, Luristan, c. 1200 BC. A small axe head in bronze with nice patination. See Godard XV, 45. Ex Malter auction Dec. 4, 05, lot 1276. Attractive brown-green patina. Ex. Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-2271. $475

227. Western Iran, Luristan, c. 1000 - 800 BC. A lot of 3 fine bronze daggers. First is 9 ¼” long. The heavy blade has an elegant shape, perforated tang and is in excellent condition, with nice patina and encrustation. Excellent Tepe Giyan example. For similar examples see Medvedskaya, Iran: Iron Age I, scan 1. Another example 12” long. The heavy blade has a fine shape, a bent tang and is in excellent condition, with nice patina and encrustation. Excellent example. See Moorey, Catalogue of the Ancient Persian Bronzes in the Ashmolean Museum, pl. 5, for similar examples. A third bronze dagger, 9 ¼” long. The thin blade is in excellent condition, with nice patina and encrustation. For similar examples see Moorey, pl.5, nos. 38 - 40. $500/3

228. Middle Kingdom, 12 th – 14 th Dynasty, c.1938 – c.1630 BC. A bronze battle-axe head with two slight lugs to fashion it too the handle. Intact with nice patination. The backside has a large area at mid-section where an antique museum mount was ground flush with the surface leaving a silvered or lead color. A good example of a small lightweight axe. L: 2 ¾”. See Petrie,
Tools and Weapons, pl. V, 138. Ancient Egyptian axe blades are rare in any condition. Ex Leighton Wilkie collection. $300

229. Roman, c. 1st – 2nd Century AD. A small dagger with well modeled bronze handle (nice patina) and iron blade. Blade with some minimal loses. Overall dagger is attractive and in choice condition. L: 6". $500

230. Medieval Europe, c. AD 1000 – 1500. An iron “pole-arm”.. Sharpened on the inside of the curve with 6" tang. Overall length is 17". Nice condition. $425

231. Medieval Europe, c. AD 1000 – 1500. An iron battle axe. Rectangular socket on shaft. Bottom of blade with loses. L: 5", blade is 4.25". $250

232. Medieval Europe, c. AD 1000 – 1500. An iron battle axe. Round socket on shaft that flares on both sides. Blade with loses. Back of shaft socket hammered flat. L: 6", Blade is 2.75". $350

233. Medieval Europe, c. AD 1000 – 1500. An iron “pick” head with interesting incised “C” and dotted design on bottom side. L: 9.75". Choice condition. $400

234. Medieval Europe, c. AD 1000 – 1500. A lot of two iron spears. Both similar in shape with long and hollow shaft with centrally raised body. Some corrosion but stabilized. L: 8.25" and 13.5". $375/2

235. Medieval Europe, c. AD 1000 – 1500. An iron knife and spearhead. Spear head with long and hollow shaft with centrally raised body. L: 9". Also a knife with long tang handle. Loses to edge of knife but well stabilized. L: 8.25". $250/2

236. Borneo, Malaya, Dayak Tribe, Mandau Region, c. 1850, a head-hunter sword with scalped hair attached at top of beautifully engraved handle, remarkably designed steel blade. Wooden sheath is engraved. Attached it sheath is attractive ornamentation in braid cloth and feathers. L: 27". See Stone, #435. Length is 29". Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-2136. A rare and interesting piece! $1,750
The Art of the Human Skeleton

237. Germany, late 17th or 18th century. A delightful articulated skeleton, complete with its own miniature wood coffin! Extremely well carved and detailed. Complete with original looped brass hanger on top of skull, wire retainers for limbs perhaps replacements, otherwise intact and finely preserved. Skeleton length is 4.6"; coffin length is 3.15". Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-878a. $1,500

238. Holland, Leiden, c. 1750. A seated skeleton holding whisky bottle in right hand. Skull appears to be carved from ivory, the rest carved from bone. Site: Pelgrimshof. Highly detailed throughout! Ex. Broekhov Collection. Perfect. Ht: 3". $1,500

239. Japan, Meiji Period, late 19th century, ivory Okimono of a skeleton dancing atop a warty-skinned toad! Riding on the back of the armless skeleton is an ape, in patterned garment, holding a fruit. At side, by the skull, a lotus(?) bud. Pupils of toad inlaid. Aside from tiny chip on toad's lip, piece beautifully preserved. Height is 3.5". A marvelous concoction of wit and fantasy! Ex Charles Stillwell collection. Purchased by JLM on Aug. 20, 1985. Joel L. Malter Collection. $2,750
Asian Art

240. Thailand, Ban-Chiang Culture, c. 800 - 500 BC. A pottery bowl with half of the face decorated: two closely-spaced lines either side of a wide band of cross-hatching. Couple small spots showing repair, o/w intact.. D: 6.3", H: 3.25". $150

241. Thailand, Ban-Chiang Culture, c. 800 - 500 BC. A large-ish storage jar with a broad rim, heavily restored and on ring base. The base color is creme, with red incised linear accents. The side all round has a comb-made cross-hatched pattern, above which is a band of tall red triangles touching the bottom of the lowest linear band. There is also red color beneath the rim of the lip. D: 12", H: 11.25". $250
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

242. Thailand/Burma, early 20th Century. A carved wood seated Buddha in a very "blocky" style, gold-gilt over black, with a base that is gilt over red over black. A cute primitive! H: 14.5". on a small base. $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

243. Thailand, early 20th Century. A wooden head (from a statue), gold-gilt with glass inlay covering the entire piece. Red base color, hole in back of the head (as carved). Wood stand. Head H: 10". $200
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

244. Thailand/Burma "The Reclining Buddha", late 19th - early 20th Century. A carved hard-wood with gold-gilding, inlaid glass accents. There are a few such Buddhas in SE Asia that are quite famous and, of course, of great age. This is your chance to own one!! L: 39", estimated width 6". $500
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

245. Thailand, early 20th Century. A cast bronze Bell on its own stand: the Bell itself is rather heavy, 11.5 in. Ht., its top has a concentric Lotus motif, and the finial ring itself is flanked by two "Hentha" figures. The rim has an inscription (unread). The suspension loop is detailed and well-cast, the piece having a Stupa-like finial, with two Kanarys on either side with palms facing out, H: 9.25". The wooden base takes-up a lot of room, but is quite decorative. $300
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

246. Burma, Shan State, a pair of carved wooden standing guardian and fertility sculptures. These were placed at the entrances to the Akha Villages. Woman figure with legs spread, bare breasted with her hands at her genitalia. H: 17". Male figure with hands on his belly and long straight legs. H: 25". Both with smiling facial expressions. A nice pair. $400/2

247. Burma, opium scale with 3 opium “duck” weights. Hand held scale with 2 round pans attached to beam by strings. Length of beam is 6.75". Duck weights from 1.5"-2.5" tall. Nice lot. $250/4

249. Burma, Akha Hill Tribe, a silver jacket clasp. Round silver jacket clasp, fully incised on face side. Of exceptional quality and workmanship. D: 4.75". $250 G

250. Indonesia, colonial, 19th to early 20th Century. A pair of massive carved hardwood table legs in the form of fierce stylized quadrupeds. On limestone bases. Old patina to both. Ht. ca. 15". each leg. $300
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

251. Indonesia, early 20th Century, Garuda with rider, polychrome wood, Ht.18". carved from a single block of wood. Attractive. $200
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

252. Indonesia, early 20th Century. A polychrome wooden standing Ganesh figure, four-armed, each holding a "sacred" object. An interesting piece, not common. $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

253. SE Asia, mainland, a large gold-gilt carved wooden Buddha, on ornate openwork base containing elephants, serpents, and other figures. Very striking! Ht. 36.25". $500
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

254. SE Asia, early 20th Century. A large carved wooden "Buddha" that reminds one of a Nias ancestral figure. Elaborate headdress, traces of gold-gilt, on a tall base with some insect damage, H: 29". a piece not lacking in charm! $500
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

255. SE Asia, perhaps Tribal Indonesia? An adze with a triangular-shaped blade, interesting wooden, hide-covered mounts. L: o/a 20". $100
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

256. SE Asia, mainland, early 20th Century. A bronze lamp & stand of three parts, black patina overall. Well-cast lamp is of Garuda, 4-armed, beneath the feet is a line of Nagas, the shaft is 4-sided, each with a line of Buddhas, long stylized Dragon "handles", base is a sea-turtle. Ht o/a 17.5". decorative. $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

257. South Asia, cast bronze figural group: on a spiral "handle", a Garuda with Nagas (snakes) above, with two kneeling attendants either side. Ht. 10.5". On tall wooden base. $100
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum 
258. Tibet/Nepal, early 20th Century. A cold-chiseled gold-gilt bronze statue, Mahakala riding a dragon, on double-lotus base, with a pyramid of sacred conch shells beneath the figure on the base. The figure can be removed from the back of the dragon as it was cast separately. Small stone inlays on the figure. Very attractive and excellent! H: 12.25". $400
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

259. China, Warring States Period, c. 5th – 3rd Century AD. A small, solid and finely cast bronze of a standing and quite rotund horned bull. Much detail and definition throughout. L: 2.5". Rare! Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-2031. $700

260. China, 20th Century. A lacquered lidded basket-work container, black & gold over a red base, with molded, and painted birds and flowers on the lid, molded "precious" objects around the sides, floral designs on the base. Decorative Item. H: 13.25". D:12.5". $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

261. China, early 20th Century. A carved and lacquered Immortal, perhaps Ts'ao Kuo-ch'iu
CAO GuoJiu. He stands on a squar-ish base, wearing flowing robes showing nice polychrome beneath the gilding. In nice condition with well preserved colors. H: 16". Very decorative and of some age. $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

262. China, early 20th Century. A Buddha, seated, gold-gilt over black, on a 3-tiered gold-gilt over red, base. Each tier has 3 lozenge-shaped insets of various figures and objects. H: 15". $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

263. China, a carved hard-wood figure of a skeletal-looking old man with prayer beads, perhaps an "Immortal". H: o/a12.3". $100
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

264. China, a hollow-cast bronze Buddha, seated upon the back of a Lion(a Chi-lin, called a Kirin in Japan), now with a very dark patina tho traces of gold-gilt are present. A few fingers on the left hand are missing, otherwise a nice, detailed piece. H: 7.75". $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

265. China, 19th Century or earlier. A green celadon-glazed four-lugged squat pot, the lid having two facing ducks as the "handle". Concentric rings under glaze is its only decoration. H: ca. 4.3", D: 6.3". $100
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

266. China, a pottery "San-cai"(three-color) "Foo Dog" with vessel, seated upon a pedestal base. Old repair to the neck, otherwise charming. Three-color glaze was popular during Tang and Ming times, though we don't claim this piece to be of either period. H: 9.3". $100
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

267. China, a pair of hard-stone(Jade-like) Scepters, identical in style & motif, quite attractive despite L: 9.25". 2 pieces. SL-25 $200
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

268. Japan or S. E. Asia, an old and large boxwood carving of a pair of turtles atop a large fish. Heads of turtles are highly detailed, one with long and pointed snout. Incised design to carapaces of both turtles as well as on fish. Quite attractive and carved from a nice piece of wood. L: 10”. Joel L. Malter Collection, ROA-2042. $300

269. Japan, a Gold-gilt bronze Guan-yin, seated upon a Kirin-headed fish. Size 9", L: 8.5". A very attractive piece. $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum
Mixed Lots

270. A box lot of various items:
1). A Chinese Mirror, D: 4";
2). carved Ivory old & well-patinated Kris handle, L. 3 ¼”;
3). An old bronze bell with Chinese coin clapper, animal tooth suspension, Chinese carved ivory? statue of a female on wood base, H: o/a 4 ¾”;
4). Japanese box-wood carved Dragon Netsuke, signed, L: 2";
5). 7 different Ban Chiang bronze bracelets, c. 1500 – 500 BC, diameters from 1 ¾” to 2 ½”;
6). Cambodia, small Buddhist votive plaque, H: w/base 3.25";
7). A cast brass African? Bell, L; 1.75";
8). A glass dragon, L: 2.25";
9). A glass Buddha pendant, H: 1.25". A very charming assemblage and guaranteed hours of fun for the whole family! A total of 15 different items in the lot. $300/15
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

271. A nice lot of 8 bronze items from Southeast Asia.
1). Cambodia?, 15th – 16th Century, decorated finial with nice patination, decorated with a standing figure, perhaps a Yakasha, L: 7 ½”;
2). Bronze oil lamp with mouth agape, width 3”;
3). Central Asia, early 20th Century. A bronze lamp? with long shell-like body decorated with rows of raised bands. On the narrow end is a human head. The mouth of the piece is open and angled well enough to serve as a lamp. A cross bar is adorned with two seated birds, similar to a pair of doves seated upon a telephone wire. L: 7 ½” and a most interesting piece.
4). Camodia-Laos, 15th – 16th Century. A bronze finial showing much age and tic patination. L: 2 ½”;
5). Ban Chiang, c.1500 – 500 BC. Two bronze ornaments, a bronze ring with three raised knobs, and a bronze bracelet, diameter 2”. A very nice mixed lot of bronze with some real value here. Must be inspected to truly appreciate. $150/8
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

272. Southeast Asia, early 20th Century. A lot of four round brass bells, all with clappers, three with incised writing and decoration. Largest H: ca. 5". $100/4
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

273. Mixed lot of 16 different items from Asia.
1). Ban Chiang, c.1500 – 500 BC. 9 bronze bracelets, some partial, some complete. Diameters from 2” to 3”;
2). A colored fibre SE Asian tribal fly-whisk, L: 18";
3). Tibet, early 20th Century. A hide-wrapped thigh-bone trumpet, L. 12";
4). A simple leather whisk of some kind, L: 10”.
5). 3 bronze appliques, each nicely detailed, and likely from 19th Century English origin.
6). A tattoo needle with decorated case, L: 5”. A fun mixed lot! $150/16
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

274. A Chinese-style short-sword: the blade is iron with silver overlay in flowing tendrils, the hilt brass, bone & ivory, and the sheath leather with brass and copper fittings. Sword itself is 22.5". $100

275. Philippines, later half of the 19th century, a "Bululs" generally known as "Rice Gods", Bululs are wood spirit sculptures of the Ifugao Tribe of Mountain Province, Luzon, Northern Philippines. Also famed for their 1500 year old World Heritage "rice terraces". Used in rituals to protect and increase the rice crop, protecting travelers and home and hearth from fire and in head hunting ceremonies of earlier days. Original patina with typical insect damage. This large example has classic design of a stern god spirit that may be ancestrally connected. The wish for a powerful ancestral spirit to inhabit the Bulu was great, especially if he or she was a shaman during their lifetime. H: 23.75". This example used very hard and heavy wood; an excellent attribute. About as fine as any similar piece in an American museum. In the best classic Hungduan style! Rare! $750

276. Philippines, early 19th century, a "Bululs" generally known as "Rice Gods", Bululs are wood spirit sculptures of the Ifugao Tribe of Mountain Province, Luzon, Northern Philippines. As above piece! Original patina and evenly eaten away by dry rot and insects for well over 100 years. Standing tall, his sunken eyes and ghost-like face make for a haunting presence. The native desire for a powerful ancestral spirit to inhabit the Bulu was great, especially if he or she was a shaman during their lifetime. H: 13 5/8" and nice! The earlier examples have been carbon dated to before the 16 th century. Rare! $400

277. Philippines, early 20th century, a "Bululs" generally known as "Rice Gods", Bululs are wood spirit sculptures of the Ifugao Tribe of Mountain Province, Luzon, Northern Philippines. As above piece! Original patina that is dappled by blood and or rice / wine residues that were poured over the sculpture in ritual. A very unusual form with Giacometti-like stick limbs detail and a sunken face that may have reminded the owning family of their ancestor. Typical age cracks with split at front where arms are crossed. Still nice and rare! H: 18". $500

278. South Pacific, Maori, c. 1775, whale bone carving of Hei Tiki.This piece was brought by this cataloguer in March, 2000, to the Auckland Museum for authentication. It was compared favorably with several other whale bone Hei Tikis in the Museum's collection. L: 2.5". Choice condition! Joel L. Malter Collection. $3,500

279. Late Victorian Europe, two 14 Kt. Ladies stem-wind watches, one (for the wrist) French, the other(pendant) Swiss. Both have Roman-numeral faces, ornate cases with enamel. Sold as-is, cannot guarantee operation. 2 pieces in lot. $300

280. Africa, late 19th – early 20th Century. A double-ended wooden grain-pounder with a nice dark brown patina, L.29.75". $100
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum

281. Africa, Zaire, early 20th Century. An Adze, with wooden handle and iron blade, anthropomorphic decoration(a face is carved on the shaft so that the adze blade projects from the mouth). H:. 16". Unusual. $150
From the collection of Armand Labbe, former curator at the Bower's Museum
Late Additions

282. Roman North Africa, c. 100 BC – AD 100. A finely potted red ware cup with two small loop handles, one at either side. At top of each handle is bow-like adornment. On outside of large drinking cup is attractive design of featuring 3 levels of simple oval shaped leaf-like projections. Cup apparently rested for centuries half buried as is evident by bottom half being a darker red slip than top half. Quite interesting and attractive. H: 3.5", D: 4.5". $400

283. Mexico, Mayan, c. AD 550 - 900. A lovely dark brown slip bowl with nicely incised band of glyph designs around the upper outside of bowl. One small area of repair at rim. On bottom outside of bowl, "S.A. PM 8859 B" in black ink. A nice piece. H: 3.5" x 7.25". $400

284. South Italy, Daunian, c. 4th century BC. A small creme slip jug with single loop handle and trefoil spout. Around body of vase are several horizontal bands with finely drawn black lines. Single red-brown band separates 2 main sections of black lines. Repaired at top, holed at bottom. Still nice and attractive. $250

285. Mexico, Michoacan, c. AD 200 - 400. A small ceramic figure of a seated woman with short stubby arms and oblong head. In creme slip with tips hands, legs and top of head in red paint. Large nose with simple incised eyes. H: 6.5". $350

286. Mexico, Jalisco, c. 250 BC – AD 250. A wonderful pale creme slip “hunchback” of a seated woman holding a large bowl with serrated edge with both hands between her knees. Exquisite facial detail with large and perfect nose, earrings, turban headdress and armbands. H: 7". Of top quality workmanship. Worthy of a strong bid. $950

287. Mexico, Jalisco, c. 250 BC – AD 250. A fantastic dark red figure ceramic “hunchback” of a seated male figure, genitals exposed; his left hand supports the back of his head, right arm and hand extended forward. Exquisite facial detail on yellow colored face. Mouth slightly agape revealing finely incised teeth. Manganese deposits throughout this museum quality example of classic Jalisco workmanship. H: 7.75". $1500

288. Mexico, Jalisco, c. 250 BC – AD 250. A small and fine red slip seated warrior wearing barrel armor. He holds battle club with both hands in front of him. Armor is nicely adorned with a multitude of white dots; also wears a typical 3 pointed military helmet. In excellent condition. H: 5.5". $475

289. Mexico, Olmec / Tlatilco, c. 1200 BC. A fine red slip small ceramic figurine of a standing bare breasted female figure. She stands with long plump legs and short stubby hands. Eyes and mouth are defined with long and slightly incised slits. On custom stand. H: 6.5". $950

290. Gold Sinu Style seated drummer. Colombia, c. 20 th century, 34.12 grams. A finely crafted base gold figure, probably of 8 to 9kt. gold, of a highly detailed seated drummer who holds small drum in his lap with his left hand and hold drum stick with his left. He also wears baseball type had and sits on four legged chair. Made in the lost wax cast method. Probably of 8 to 9kt. Gold. H: 2 ½”. $500

291. Gold Sinu Style seated musician. Colombia, c. 20 th century, about 100 grams. A finely crafted base gold figure Probably of 8 to 9kt., of a highly detailed seated musician (genitals exposed) who holds 2 small identical shaking instruments, one in each hand. Atop his head is a flat circular and open spouted headdress; he also wears a highly detailed multi-strand necklace. He sits atop a tall pedestal with rounded base. Made in the lost wax cast method. Gold. H: 4 ¾”". $750

292. Peru, Moche, c. AD 200 - 450. A finely crafted black ceramic four chambered stirrup pot. Two of the chambers with four pointed stars embossed on top side. Bottom of each chamber with slightly pointed base. Nice glossy patina. Nice condition. H: 7.5". $500

293. Peru, Inca, c. AD 1400. A mold made ceramic figure of a “dome” shaped standing male figure with both hands resting on his hips. His face is outlined with black linear detail on pale creme slip. Old loses to nose but a scarce and seldom seen type. H: 6.5". $650

294. Spanish-American War Period, a fine “Bowie” knife. Nice clip point with finely carved black handle with profile of Athena on one side, a female head on the other. Top of blade with inscription, “ Weyersberg Hermanos Ohligs-Solingen Garantizado”. Nice condition. L: 17". $150

295. Spanish Colonial, c. 1650. A rare and fine iron lance head. Long and tapered head sits atop long, round and hollow shaft. This is the type carried by Cortez and his soldiers. On custom stand. H: 9”. $500

296. Texas, Alamo period, c. 1820's-1840's. An early large bore Miguelet pistol found in Texas. With original ramrod and belt hook. Beautiful wood with incised design at top of handle. Hammer shaped as head of dog. Choice! L: 18". $600

297. New Mexico, Santa Fe, c. 1820's-1840's, a rare and desirable Miguelet, large bore antique pistol in working order with ramrod and belt hook. Some old cracks in wood above trigger otherwise a very nice example in fine condition. L: 18". $600

298. Africa, an interesting and finely carved antique ivory knife. Long and wide blade with bare breasted standing female carrying a wicker basket on her back as the handle. Very nice detail over entire standing woman. Some slight age nicks on cutting side of blade. Perhaps used as a letter opener. L: 14". $150

299. France, early 20 th Century. An old cameo broach depicting a large vase overflowing with a beautiful floral arrangement. Carving in shades of white to pale yellow. S: 2" x 2.5". $150

300. SW USA, Santa Clara black ware small pot. Bottom dated 1920. Outside with zig zag design around rim. H: 2.5", D: 4". Nice. $150

301. SW USA, Santa Clara black another black ware bowl. This with squared opening and more detailed incised design on upper portion. Inscribed on bottom, “Klara Naranjo”. H: 3.75". Perfect. $150

302. SW USA, New Mexico, Acoma, a fine and small pot in white slip with nicely painted linear designs in black and orange paint. H: 4.5", D: 2". $150