28 Nisan 2011 Perşembe

Saint Gaudens Gold Coin Values

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Saint Gaudens Gold Coin Values

Saint Gaudens gold coin values have risen above $1,519 each. Containing nearly one ounce of gold, the price of the precious metal forms this high base value.
Saint Gaudens Twenty Dollar Gold Coin
Additionally, there are several rare dates and mint marks. For example, the 1908-S and 1925-S, when brought to auction, often trade for many thousands of dollars. The value chart highlights these rare coins.
Also, collector demand for "Uncirculated" examples of this majestic coin help raise the value above the minimum.
The St. Gaudens gold coin pictured, a lustrous coin, showing no signs of wear, is worth over $1,601 because of its condition.
Determining your coin is in this state of preservation quickly moves Saint Gaudens gold coin values higher. Further down the page, how to evaluate condition is covered in more detail.

Saint Gaudens Gold Coin Values and What Dealers Pay

Except for the rare dates, circulated and worn St. Gaudens are worth close to gold value. Reserving the best prices for Uncirculated gold. Examine your coins and the chart closely.