28 Nisan 2011 Perşembe

Start Your Coin Values Discovery

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Start Your Coin Values Discovery

Find coin values listed here for all US coin series. If it has been awhile since you last checked, prepare for a rare and valuable surprise.
Discover Your Coin Values
You likely have a little silver dime treasure in your box of old coins and because of the increasing price of precious metals any silver dime dated 1964 or earlier is worth at least $3.34. Silver quarters are valued above $8.31 and all pre 1965 silver half dollars are $16.69 or higher... see below.
It has become a trend, from one year to the next coin values are constantly on the move. It's time to take another look at your box of old and now more valuable coins.
Find the rare dates, mintmarks and the scarce varieties. A rare coin is easy to overlook, at first glance they appear the same as all the rest. Refer to the coin value charts for each series ranging from cents to gold.
Another point to consider. Are some of your old coins in a higher more collectible and valuable condition? Is a "condition rarity" in your group? A common date coin in the uncommon "Uncirculated" condition is often highly prized and treasured.
Follow the links to the different series. Along with the value charts, each has "Grading" images to compare your coins and judge their condition, discovering their full value.